- 2 minutes to read

HideAdditionalFieldValuesInLogViews - System Parameter

This feature aids in hiding potentially sensitive data in the Addditional field values section of a Nodinite Log View. Data stem from Nodinite Log Events and Microsoft BizTalk Server.

To hide a value from an Additional field, use the System Parameter HideAdditionalFieldValuesInLogViews.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite" roNodinite(fal:fa-user-secret Show/Hide/Mask) end subgraph "Log Events" ro1(fal:fa-info Additional field values) end roNodinite -.- ro1

HideAdditionalFieldValuesInLogViews - System Parameter
The HideAdditionalFieldValuesInLogViews System Parameter.

The Web Client provides self-service access to logged data for your Users with Role-based security to Log Views. For example, an administrator may have given Users the right to show/hide/mask additional field values.

To hide content in the payload, please use the Stylesheets feature.

JSON Example

  • key: Use any of the available names.
  • value: Any of the following:
    • show - Show the value (default).
    • mask - Show the field, but hide the value.
    • hide - Hide the field, hence, the value is not shown either.
	"SequenceNo": "show",
	"EventId": "show",
	"MessageGuid": "show",
	"EventNumber": "show",
	"ServiceInstanceSequenceNo": "show",
	"ProcessingMachineName": "show",
	"ProcessName": "show",
	"ProcessingModuleName": "show",
	"ProcessingModuleType": "show",
	"ProcessingTime": "show",
	"ProcessingUser": "show",
	"LocalInterchangeId": "show",
	"ApplicationInterchangeId": "show",
	"ServiceInstanceActivityId": "show",
	"LogText": "show",
	"MessageTypeName": "show",
	"OriginalMessageTypeName": "show",
	"EndPointName": "show",
	"EndPointUri": "show"

json JSON text string with valid values

This feature comes with Nodinite version

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite System Parameters exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

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